Quit Trying to Change Your Thoughts: Master Manifesting Once and for All
Many teachings around The Law of Attraction, encourage you to change your negative thoughts to positive ones so you can attract more of what you want into your life.
Yet, when research tells us that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day and 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive thoughts, you have to wonder, is this really realistic? National Science Foundation
Is the idea of focusing on changing your thoughts making you think more?
To manifest means to bring an idea, wish or desire into the physical. One strategy for going about this is to create a vision a vision board. This is where you cut out images from magazines of your wishes, dreams, and desires.
While creating a vision board can be a creative way to anchor your ideas, once you nail these down, the question then becomes, now what?
If you are like most people, it is not uncommon for uncertainty, doubt, or fear to set in.
Here is the thing, placing goals, and dreams on a vision board at first will likely feel good. Yet, over time you may find old thought patterns creep in. You know if you start comparing or contrasting, thinking about strategy, time, money etc. While this may be all part of the steps you need to take to accomplish your goals, you must ask yourself is this an action or a reaction?
Action versus Reaction
You don’t have to focus on your thoughts to change them. Your energy will do the work for you when you give it permission to flow. Yet this can’t happen (fully) without emotional processing.
This is what the book, Energy in Action: The Power of Emotions & Intuition to Cultivate Peace & Freedom teaches you to do.
You see, a reaction is when something remains outside of you. It isn’t until, you learn how to move the energy inside that true manifesting will begin to happen. Once your emotions are in flow, your intuition will kick in, and you will be guided toward the next steps of creating your dreams. The best part, it will arrive from a state of discernment and inner peace rather than nervousness or worry.
This is the secret to manifesting. It is not so much about what you want but more so learning to trust, listen and notice what you have (e.g., emotions, energy, intuition).
Yet there is something else you need to know...
Those next steps (after you process your emotions) will likely be subtle, simple, loving, and compassionate toward yourself, and others. This is where Energy in Action, is different. It is not about the “to do” list or action steps, it is about the smallest, most intentional, mindful moments you can take. Ones which arise from vibrations of inner peace, love, security, and abundance not just for yourself but also your environment.
Afterall, very often, the smallest acts, carry the most powerful, creative energy.
You might say manifesting is getting a serious makeover. Quit overfocusing on thoughts and start paying more attention to energy.
Thoughts keep you tethered to the past or the future, where energy (particularly your emotions and intuition in flow) help you to align with the spiritual laws of the universe which teach us about how to keep your energy in flow.
Manifesting is a Process
An enormous part of mastering manifesting is learning to be at peace with the process. Sure, there will be ups and down’s the spiritual laws of the universe teach us this. Yet turning to thinking or your “to do” lists may without awareness interfere with what you are trying to create. Not to mention the negative impact ruminating on your thoughts can have on your physical body (e.g., fearful thoughts produce tension).
Seeing manifesting as Energy in Action, helps you take your attention off your thoughts and instead encourages you to focus on being present to the here and now. You can’t do that without feeling. For those of you who associate feeling with fear or pain according to Energy in Action, that is not really a feeling but more so a reaction.
Let’s say you are unhappy with your current living situation. Perhaps you would like to live in a different location, have a lesser payment or maybe you would like to move out of your parents’ home.
If you were to focus on your thoughts you might visualize the kind of home you would like, imagine the details, colors, location etc. As you imagine those details this might spark a little excitement inside of you.
Yet, once that initial feeling starts to fade, very often reality sinks in, and before you know it you may find yourself talking yourself out of your own dreams and desires. This is where Energy in Action comes in. It helps you to develop the ease, inner strength, confidence you need to be able to ride out the ways of fear, insecurity or worry. Using the spiritual laws of the universe and a seven-step mindful system (called Cleanse) for emotional processing, Energy in Action helps you to get to the other side from thinking (imaging) to creating with confidence and ease.
The truth of the matter is you are a spiritual being first and therefore you have unlimited capacity to create whatever it is you desire. Yet, like cooking a delicious meal, or planting a garden, it is the process that matters most. It is important not to fill the process with endless tasks, reminders, and projects. Instead, Energy in Action, encourages you to take into account the power of your own inner energy as a resource for cultivating balance, peace and freedom.
Let your energy do the work for you…
and give your mind a rest.
Sherianna Boyle is the author of Energy in Action: The Power of Emotions & Intuition to Cultivate Peace & Freedom and nine other books. She is the creator of the Emotional Detox books series and founder of Emotional Detox Coaching. ® Sherianna is an adjunct Psychology and Yoga Professor. Sherianna is a professional speaker, host of the Just Ask Spirit Podcast. She has been featured in over ninety articles. Find her at sheriannaboyle.com
Verma, Prakhar. The Medium Destroy Negativity From Your Mind With This Simple Exercise | by Prakhar Verma | Mission.org | Medium 2017.