How to Master The Law of Oneness in Daily Life

I recently, found myself sitting in the middle of the crossroads of emotional reactivity. It was during a family meal listening to my husband’s family discuss their concerns about their aging mother. The energy was intense and me being the empath that I am felt a bit overwhelmed by it all. As you can imagine, these kinds of intense spaces rarely lead to any productive solutions.

The spiritual law of oneness is based on the esoteric principal that everything is connected to everything else. In other words, the words, thoughts and actions you choose impact those around you. The law states at the core of it all, we are one. While on the outside, we might look, act, express, react and heal differently, energetically we all co-exist within the oneness of universal energy.

Yet when emotional reactivity runs high, unity, connection and peaceful resolutions can fade. Only to be replaced by fear, ego, and disconnection. Disconnection feeds emotional reactivity.

While the goal may be to come up with a solution everyone can agree upon, what I have learned is the Spiritual Laws of the Universe do not operate off outcomes. They are not there to help you figure things out, instead they are a source of energy to assist with moving old, stuck energy. This is the type of energy that contributes to patterns of reactivity often found in family patterns.

The bottom line is the Spiritual Laws are energy focused rather than solution focused.

I share more insights about thirteen laws and as well as fifty-two manifesting practices in the book: Energy in Action: The Power of Emotions & Intuition to Cultivate Peace and Freedom.

Discover 13 Spiritual Laws

Includes 52 ten minute light based practices.

What I have learned after working with the Spiritual Laws for quite some time, is they respond well to light. When it comes to the Spiritual Law of Oneness I became well acquainted with the diamond ray of light. The diamond ray of light promotes generational healing.

By focusing on light, you can heal and transform emotional triggers and traumas which often show up around topics (such as aging parents) begin to transform, moving the energy of old stuck patterns into vibrations of calm, clarity, peace and ease. This is the ideal state to take your practice one step further, connect to, ask and receive guidance from your spiritual guides.

It is all explained in the book Just Ask Spirit: Free Your Emotions to Energize Intuition and Discover Purpose.

Connect - Ask - Receive

Learn the scientific connection between emotional processing and intuition development.

Your spiritual team consists of beings of light such as Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and passed loved ones. Believe it or not they too adhere to the Spiritual Laws. Once connected you can ask your guides questions (like what is the best way to handle tense conversations) and receive instant answers. This is because your spiritual guides are part of your oneness. You are not alone.

Here are three ways you can learn to Master the Law of Oneness in daily life.

Choose Your Battles

The key word here is choose. The Spiritual Law of Oneness reminds us we get to choose whether to be gentle or aggressive, stubborn or flexible. How you respond is completely up to you. Should you choose to be defensive or angry you will no longer be in alignment with this law. Yet, if you choose to be calm, connected and respectful you will experience the benefits (calm, clarity, freedom) states of being in oneness offer.

In the situation, with the family discussion, I got to choose where to place my attention, whether to focus on the tension (e.g. tone of voice) or the attentive server delivering our food. The ego will always entice you to focus on the negative. When you are engaging in practices which connect you to Spirit, on a regular basis, you will become less interested in entertaining ego.

The Spiritual Law of Oneness will always bring comfort and peace.

Move Your Body

While it may seem like your physical body keeps you separate from source energy many ancient practices such as yoga, Spirit dancing tap into the power of bodily movement as a vehicle for connecting to something higher. If you have ever had a conversation with someone while taking a walk in the woods as opposed to seated at a table you probably have experienced the difference in the volume, tone and energy of the exchange.

In the case of our family dinner, I could have chosen to move my body by going to the restroom or going outside for a breath of fresh air.

The Spiritual Law of Oneness responds well to conscious physical movement.

Focus on What You Appreciate

No matter what the situation is in your life there is always something to appreciate. While the exchange in our family dynamic became tense, there were also moments of silliness and laughter. It can be so easy to walk away from a conversation rehashing the tension, yet this rarely does any good.

Light heartedness and laughter will always provide you with the emotional freedom you need to connect with this law. Be sure to give yourself permission to let some things go by not taking things too seriously. Remember things are always in a constant state of change.

The Spiritual Law of Oneness thrives off joy, silliness and laughter.

Sherianna Boyle