Ascension Symptoms: What are they and how do you navigate them?

Ascension symptoms are physical, emotional, and mental changes that some individuals experience as they undergo spiritual awakening or personal transformation. These symptoms are believed to arise as the body and mind adjust to higher frequencies of energy associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment. This blog delves into the nature of ascension symptoms, their significance, and practical tips for navigating them.

The term “ascension symptoms” has become increasingly popular among those exploring spiritual growth and personal development. While most of us have been used to the word, “symptom” in a negative light, what I have learned is, not all "ascension symptoms” are bad, in fact many can lead to positive changes in your life.

Ascension symptoms

Let’s begin by taking a look at the difference between an “ascension symptom” and a “symptom” itself. I will use myself as an example, I have suffered from “ear ringing” for years, due to physical hearing loss. I had my ears tested by an audiologist which showed a loss of hearing in both ears. My ear ringing is caused by hearing loss not ascension symptoms.

If, my hearing tests came out “normal” then I might equate the ringing to ascension symptoms, due to the fact that I have been on the spiritual path for nearly two decades. This is just one example of how you may be able to tell the difference.

While not everyone may experience these symptoms, many report them during significant phases of their spiritual journeys.

Common Ascension Symptoms

1. Physical Changes:

  • Fatigue and Exhaustion: As your energy body undergoes shifts, you might feel unusually tired or drained. This is often due to the absorption of high frequency plasma light. This is one of the reasons why many people on a spiritual path need to keep their self-care a priority. One thing that has helped me is to increase my exercise. If you are looking for a convenient and affordable way to do this check out my virtual yoga and fitness membership.

  • Headaches and Migraines: Changes in energy vibrations can sometimes trigger headaches or migraines. Staying hydrated and practicing relaxation techniques can help alleviate these symptoms.

  • Digestive Issues: You may experience nausea, bloating, or changes in appetite as your body adjusts to new energies. Eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water can be beneficial. For me, one of my ascension symptoms is I no longer can tolerate alcohol, which as I tell my husband, makes me a the cheapest date in town.

2. Emotional Shifts:

  • Emotional Roller Coasters: Intense mood swings or sudden emotional outbursts are common as old emotional patterns are released. I have many clients whom have shared this with me. It is nothing to be ashamed about so long as you are doing things like practicing mindfulness and seeking support from trained professionals such as a therapist.

  • Heightened Sensitivity: You might find yourself more sensitive to the emotions of others or more deeply affected by environmental factors. Grounding exercises and meditation can assist in managing this sensitivity.

3. Mental Changes:

  • Mental Fog or Confusion: As your consciousness expands, you may experience periods of mental fog or confusion. Regular mental and physical exercises can help clear your mind.

  • Enhanced Intuition: Increased intuition or psychic abilities are often reported. Journaling your insights and experiences can help you understand and trust these new abilities.

How to Manage Ascension Symptoms

**1. Stay Grounded: Engage in activities that help you stay grounded, such as spending time in nature, practicing yoga, or meditating. Grounding helps stabilize your energy and provides a sense of balance.

**2. Self-Care Practices: Prioritize self-care by ensuring you get adequate rest, maintain a healthy diet, and stay hydrated. Regular physical activity can also support your body’s adjustment to new energy frequencies.

**3. Emotional Support: Seek support from friends, family, or spiritual communities. Sharing your experiences with others who understand ascension symptoms can provide comfort and insights.

**4. Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine to help manage stress and promote emotional well-being. These practices can also enhance your connection to your higher self.

**5. Professional Help: If you find that ascension symptoms are significantly impacting your daily life, consider consulting with a healthcare professional or a spiritual advisor who can offer guidance and support.

Considering joining my weekly Divine Healing & Meditation virtual membership to receive ongoing support, healing and relief.

Embracing the Journey

Experiencing ascension symptoms can be a profound and transformative process. While they may be challenging at times, they are often signs of significant personal and spiritual growth. Embrace these symptoms as part of your journey and use them as opportunities to deepen your understanding of yourself and your spiritual path.

Remember, everyone’s experience with ascension is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. Trust your intuition and adapt your practices to what feels right for you. As you navigate this transformative phase, remain patient and compassionate with yourself.

By acknowledging and addressing ascension symptoms, you can better support your personal and spiritual evolution, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and enlightened life.

Sherianna Boyle is the author of eleven books including the Emotional Detox book series, Energy in Action and her latest Just Ask Spirit: Free Your Emotions to Energize Intuition & Discover Purpose.

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